TF-Jitsi: Livestreaming on AWS
Technologies used: Terraform, Jitsi, AWS
TF-Jitsi is a Terraform library I wrote during the COVID-19 pandemic to help relatively non-technical users deploy a browser-based video conferencing service on AWS in 5 minutes.
I have a solid understanding of AWS, infrastructure, and automated app deployments, all of which I leveraged to make TF-Jitsi.
It was originally built in a weekend to help local Seattle dance teachers continue to provide dance classes during quarantine.
Because TF-Jitsi is self-hosted, this flexibility allowed for the teacher’s landing page to live on a custom domain name. It also allowed the teacher to have a custom logo on screen, with Paypal/Venmo links for students to use.
Hope Goldman teaches Low Intermediate Modern dance using TF-Jitsi